I swear I just saw a car from "Pimp My Ride"
And boy was it ugly. In case you don't know, pimp my ride is a show on MTV where they take people's (mostly men) beat up ugly cars and try to make them super cool. What usually happens next is the car is still ugly and not cool but has a bunch of extras (like a playstation) that make it a hazard to drive. Today one such car drove by my house. It was green, old school cadillac and had white upholstory ( no idea how to spell and spell check seems to be broken) with green trim. You could tell the guy had some stereo system with the speakers in the trunk because you could hear the hood of the trunk rattle as he played what I am sure he thought was very cool music. Then there was the guy himself who proceeded to roll down the windows and call out my name "Baby" to get my attention. Perhaps he thought I would be impressed by his ghetto fabulous vehicle but it still looked like a piece of junk to me.
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