More Plenty

Another successful recipe from Plenty, or in my eyes at least. I still haven't sold Martin on tofu. I can get away with it in some dishes but I think he needs to be able to put lots of other things in his mouth along with the tofu to tolerate it. A dish just of tofu and rice didn't work. And this is a very spicey dish, also not popular with Martin. I however loved it and will make it again for sure. I love love love fried tofu and not ever knowing how to do it properly, this recipe showed me how. Yum!
Half marathon is tomorrow. I feel well prepared. Today is fun cause I just get to eat all day. Chocolate oats have been made and tasted and now I just need to relax unti tomorrow. Wish me luck!
We have cleaned up our veg boxes and the chicks once more have full range of the garden. Before they only had half of it, and probably the less interesting half. They seem very happy. Hopefully happy enough to lay throughout winter.
Ahem, make that just plain old "luck".
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