Martin and I have officially moved out of Kew house and in with the Oliver's. The Oliver's have been amazing. They make us feel right at home and it has been really nice spending time with them. And they cook for us (well, we take turns) and I am really loving someone else cooking dinner. And they like dessert almost as much as we do!
Last weekend Martin and I went farm hunting. There isn't much out there but now that we have sold we are keen to hunt around. We saw two places. One was a wild card as it isn't really what we had in mind on paper. It already has a house on it, which puts it out of our comfortable price range, and only 40 acres, but it is only a 20 minute drive from Janice and Andy and seemed worth looking at since we were going to be down there anyway. And worth it it was...

The lot was on top of a hill and the views were amazing. I really liked how the fields were laid out and I would have made an offer right then and there I liked it so much. Martin was less keen. Where I saw potential he saw big lots of land without hedge rows and trees. It wasn't his ideal place and really, if we are going to do this, we need to LOVE what we are buying. Not just ho hum.
The second piece of land we saw was bigger and more in keeping with Martin had in mind. However, it was right on a major road and although this is a benefit in a lot of ways, the traffic noise was not. We plan to have some glamorous camping on our land and I am pretty sure people who pay a premium to come stay out in the country and get away from London would be pretty pissed if they could hear cars all night. Just a guess.
So the hunt continues.
While hunting we stayed here...
It wasn't the world's best B&B but the host was really nice and I love staying in old houses. Plus the village was really sweet. Another benefit of hunting for land! It was so pretty out there I could have cried.
Your pictured countryside was indeed beautiful. Took a look at the B$B and it looked inviting. No ballet in sight anywhere.
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