More Sewing and other bits and pieces

Ta da! Project number three! Although this might be a bit boring for you it is great fun for me! This week we learned about finishing seams and I discovered going fast on the sewing machine is actually easier than going slow.
This week has been a bit stressful for us Partners. Unfortunately Martin's father had a mild heart attack a day before they were due to leave for holiday and has spent the week in hospital. They did some tests yesterday and found one blocked artery and another semi blocked artery. The good news is they were able to clear them and he is now back home. We are looking forward to seeing him! Very good news he is on the mend but leaves you wondering what caused it. And who will make our pig ark now?
The woman who is currently living in our house moves out Saturday and Martin and I are very excited to see the house empty! The last picture I posted does make it seem like a very large house, but we only have half of it. Everything to the left of the hedge row. Can't wait to get in there and start planting some bulbs! And getting my chickens back! (Sorry Henry). We will hopefully start moving our stuff next weekend and then officially move in the week after that. Will send address details soon.
My mom's comment about my address has to be the best one ever. After getting the details she exclaimed, in writing, “I LOVE your new address. It has the word horse in it twice!“
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