The Next Big Thing
Last week Martin, Janice, Andy and I hopped onto a mini bus with some of our other neighbours and headed into South Hampton to see our local (and by local I mean I can see his house from mine) boy Ben Goddard and his band play in their last performance of the year.
Andy has been going on about Ben ever since they moved to Horsebridge. I saw him play at a party I went to, and he was good, so I was pretty excited about going. Some of this excitement faltered when Ben's mom asked me to hold loo roll in my purse cause the bathrooms were DISGUSTING where we were going and sometimes didn't have lights and the place was "a little bit rough".
Well, all those things were totally true but it didn't matter cause Ben and his band were AMAZING. When I saw Ben he and his band mate (whose name escapes me cause I am rubbish with names but he is very talented) they were doing cover songs, which were all very good. When we saw them, along with their drummer and base, they were playing original songs and they were awesome. I often get bored when I listen to new music, but not so with these guys. It was the most fun I have had in a long long time. So watch for Ben, and his bandmates, they are going places.

PS-I would also like to add that Ben is probably the nicest person I have ever met. (I had typed boy as that is what he seems to me, but Martin keeps reminding me he is 23 and not a boy anymore so I replaced boy with person ) You just want to give him a big cuddle for being so sweet.
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