Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sold Out!

With an increased number of chickens in our chicken flock, we have the predictable problem of having an increase in egg production. Most days we get at least 4 eggs, but some days we get 5 and as exciting as this is, I don't love eggs that much and can't eat 25+ eggs a week.

So last weekend, while looking at my collection of 24 eggs and contemplating what to do with them and the ones waiting for me in the hen box, I had a brainstorm. SELL THE EGGS!

I do occasionally give my eggs to our very nice neighbours who can get £2 for half a dozen at their work. (City folk go crazy for things from the country) However this was a Saturday morning and Monday was a long way away. So I thought, why not be one of those people who puts up a nice home made sign that says "eggs for sale", and see what happens.

And what happened was I sat at my kitchen table all morning and waited for people to pull over and buy my eggs. AND THEY DID!

Let me tell you, I don't think there is anything more satisfying than people buying stuff you made.(I know, I didn't actually MAKE the eggs, but they did come from my hard work and TLC) I think the chickens grazing in the grass right next to the sign helped.

(You can tell from this sign I haven't quite mastered writing the £ sign but I feel it gives it a nice home made maybe a 5 year old wrote this sign look)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool...K8

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time write with the left hand and it will REALLY look like a 5-year-old did it!

9:20 PM  

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