Well that's a big egg!

I mean it, seriously, this is a VERY big egg. Look how much bigger it is than the rest of my eggs...

"One of these eggs just doesn't belong here. One of these eggs just isn't the same..."
I wonder who laid that? (I think it was black chicken)
Speaking of eggs...Martin and I went to view a small holding yesterday and I LOVED IT. It isn't perfect, but it is pretty good. We have been looking for land with woodland and this doesn't have any. There is woodland adjacent to the property but it wouldn't belong to us. Otherwise it is pretty good. 24 acres and it already has a free range egg business. A successful one! And one I would be proud to take over. They have 3000 chickens which kind of makes me think ew gross, but these chickens look so happy! Running around outside, laying eggs. They have all their feathers and everything. Plenty of room for the pigs and it already has a caravan on site which is one hurdle we wouldn't have to overcome. We could potentially file for planning permission for a house straight away! (you have to live in a caravan for three years and make a profit on the land for one of those to show you are serious about living in the country) So we shall see. Lots to look into and it is slightly out of budget, but it is close enough to London that one of us (by one of us I mean Martin) could commute to London. Oh! And the best thing??? It has an honesty HUT! A whole hut full of things I would want to sell and people would leave money for. FINGERS CROSSED EVERYONE!
Fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed!
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