Here are some pics from a recent trip to Oxford with my mom and dad. They were here for 10 days and we had a lovely time going about and doing touristy things, one of which was going to Oxford. I actually quite liked Oxford although it was a bit small. We also went to the ballet which I enjoyed very much and the Victoria and Albert museum which is really wonderful. This is a museum filled with objects rather than paintings. I really enjoyed the fashion exhibit and they had some beautiful Moorish tile work. I hardly scratched the surface in that place and I am looking forward to going back.Oxford is actually a university made out of 37 colleges, a fact I never knew until I went to visit. Normally you have to be a student in order to be allowed inside a college but tour groups like ours are allowed inside. This is Trinity. Apparently only two people are allowed to step on this beautiful grass, God and the gardener.
This is the dining hall inside Trinity. I think it looks pretty nice. I wonder what the food is like...
Bikes! Everyone in Oxford rides a bike. It reminded me of being in Santa Barbara as I crossed the road more nervous of the bikes coming my way than cars.
This is one of Oxford's many libraries. I think I could work here. We couldn't go inside but I am picturing a large open building with lots of light. Oxford has so many books that they have storage 11 floors under the university and still don't have enough space. There has to be a copy of every piece of material printed in Great Britain so it is no wonder. I actually wrote a piece of course work on this very topic. Fascinating I know.
I'm pretty sure that Bliss's boyfriend Sam went to Trinity!
Re: the grass at Trinity College upon which only God and the gardener can step. Our guide pointed out a teacher, and as he cut a corner by using the grassy area someone in the group asked, "Is that God?"
It doesn't matter what Trinity's dining hall serves as long as it's fit to leave on your clothes, right? ;-)
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