Regent Street

Yesterday I went to Regent Street to do the little Christmas shopping I needed to do. I went when I knew it would be dark (which by the way is 4:00 here. Plthththth) so I could see the pretty lights. I wasn't actually all that impressed. From the way the papers talked about it here I expected it to be a little more dynamic. There was a big fuss over the lights because of how much they cost the city and how bad they are for the environment. Christmas lights that people put on their houses are actually really bad environmentally speaking which I never thought about. I think the Regent Street lights are a little dumb. They have random cartoon characters on them and silly sayings and if you are going to spend all that money on lights and ruin what little air quality is left in London you might as well make them spectacular. Oh well.
I also went to Harrods where they have this ridiculous monument to Princess Diana and Joseph Godi. I should have taken a picture but I try to avoid looking like a tourist in places like Harrods, even though I am sure they assume I am one anyway. I went to their wine section where you can buy a bottle of Seghesio Zinfandel for 22 pounds. YIKES! We use to see this at la med for 22 dollars. I guess being from California they think it is worth the money. (it isn't)
Happy Christmas Amber!
No lights on the houses - yes just one of those small things that reminds one they aren't in Kansas anymore. In a few months you'll be begging for somebody, just one person, to say "have a nice day" and really mean it in the plastic American greeting sense and not in the "having a laugh" at your expense sense :-)
Go ahead and take picture at Harrods. I'm sure you've been informed by now that the way you walk, the way you carry yourself, what (and whom) you look at - all these things clearly and immediately identify you as a tourist. Same is true here in Waikiki. The locals don't go to Harrods anyway - just like the locals here don't go to the beach in Waikiki (unless they work there).
No word about training for the marathon. How is that coming along? They just had the Honolulu Marathon. No I didn't run.
Sounds like everything is going nicely. I do envy you living in London - that is pretty cool. Unfortunately still no free trip offered by Spirent to the UK. Darn!
Today was Lauren's Christmas choir performance - and she is a performer. Unlike most of the kids she was smiling, dancing, generally looking like she was having a blast up on the stage. I guess she just loves to do it - while other kids are nervous and worried about making mistakes, no smiles - super serious. I guess the next performance is Christopher's band - and then Lauren again for ballet. Where did these kids get the acting/music/performance gene from? Not from me for sure.
Now that you have internet connectivity you should Skype me some time.
PS - I shaved off the beard - did I tell you that?
Dear Aunt Amber,
I got a stocking. It's a little stocking. Mommy is snuggling with me. Ping is a stuffed penguin.
Love Matthew and Mommy Karyadi
Dear Amber,
Here's a translation of Matthew's post:
"I got a stocking. It's a little stocking." This means his teacher gave each student in the class a small stocking with candy canes in it today. I find it charming that they give out candy at school the way I do. The difference is, I'm sure, that I'm trying to teach Matthew healthy eating habits but everyone knows teenagers are already beyond hope. So I feel justified in being annoyed that Matthew brings home an Advent calendar with a piece of chocolate for every single *$&! day in December... donated to the school by the studio promoting the movie "The Nativity Story." (We do live in LA) Oh and today's "present" was a CD of music from... "The Nativity Story."
"Mommy is snuggling with me." Every time I sit down to work on the computer, Matthew finds a way to sit uncomfortably close to me. This time he's in my lap.
"Ping is a stuffed penguin." Matthew used his allowance money to buy a stuffed penguin from a bookstore after he had seen the movie "Happy Feet" (talk about the environment... that's a film with a message!). The penguin's name is Ping. He goes everywhere with Matthew except school--Daddy keeps Ping in the car after Matthew gets out. And Matthew finally does get out... he has asked Daddy NOT to walk him to the play yard but "just drop me off."
I agree with Paul--take a lot of photos at Harrods.
Love Ade
Hey Amber- those lights (what you could make out anyways) did look pretty lame. Since the commercial side of Christmas is falling flat for you maybe now would be the perfect time to visit all those famous and historical churches. All that beauty combined with one of the holiest times of the year is bound to be inspiring. Hopefully! I mean that's why they spent all that money! I hope Laura is sending you pics of the kids at her dinner party; I think I made the cutest dress EVER for Sophia. She was thrilled to have Jordan home and had her hair done in the exact same way her sister does. The next day I took Jordan to a hairdresser (this is the third time I have attempted this) and told her to "THIN IT OUT!" I told her to be very aggressive and take the thinning shears and have at it. I said, "you can't harm her hair; it will all grow back next week!" So, I watch her cutting Jordan's hair and . . .no shears to thin it! Finally, I get up (when she looks done) and say, you ARE going to thin that out, right? Jordan was mortified. End story, her hair looks great. I don't know what Jordan's eating but her hair is like some wild beast; it just keeps growing at an astronomical rate! Is that fascinating or what!??! Take care! Chrisser
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