Remember Remember the 4th of November

After visiting the Tower of London last week I can proudly say I know in which they refer. Fourth of November is when there was an attempt to blow up Parliment by those pesky Catholics and when their plan was thwarted, the king was saved and the conspirators hanged and quartered. In rememberance Londoners celebrate the 4th of November for a good ten days. Every night fire works are set off, some of which I can see from the comfort of my living room couch. Someone asked me if I wanted to go watch a fireworks display and I said "What for? I have my own private show right out my living room window, or my kitchen window or my bedroom window." Now that it is over I kind of miss the fireworks.
I want to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to Julia and Anthony on their engagement-I know you will be very happy together for the rest of your lives!
At last! A picture of your apartment (window). Lovely. So are the fireworks. I'm reading "Pepys Diary" and in it he writes about observing executions involving hanging and quartering. Jeez Louise; surely people had something better to do than watch THAT!
Ambermoonpie, now you won't miss the 4th of July... what plans have you to avoid missing Thanksgiving? Is there any holiday in England that involves eating sleep-inducing foods non-stop? I know Canada has Thanksgiving day but it's not the same day as the American one.... obviously a holiday for the colonial types.
How about an entry on your job?
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