San Francisco and Back Again
Just returned from a trip back to San Francisco and the first thing I noticed when I got here was that it is officially autumn/winter. There is a definite chill in the air that was not here when I left. Although I don't feel the need to break out the winter coat yet, we have passed into that period when evenings are always cool and you never leave the house without some sort of coat. And we didn't even get a summer.

Trip to San Francisco was really great. Went to celebrate my parents 50th wedding anniversary. We threw them a big old party and almost every member of the Mooney clan was there. It sounds a bit cheese but it was really special. It was a very nice reminder that I have a very nice family and I am really a lucky person. The siblings who organized the party did an excellent job and I don't think it could have been more perfect. Something to remember for a long long time. (the following picture is a new all time favorite...)

After the family left I spent most of my time working on my dissertation, which is now completed and handed in. I am sooo happy it is finished. I should have completed it before I went, and I really regretted that I didn't, but I still had fun seeing everyone, even if I didn't get to spend as much time with everybody that I wanted to.

Now I am looking for a job. I actually had an interview today for a temp position doing web stuff and it went pretty well so we will see. In the meanwhile I am knitting like crazy cause I haven't been able to knit for ages and I went to the yarn shop with Laura which is NEVER a good idea! She is always doing cool things which makes me want to do cool things and she has the same philosophy it seems about sales which is I can't afford NOT to buy it! I finished a project I had been working on and when I stop being lazy I will take a picture and post it. Still training for the marathon and have to run 19 miles this weekend. Yuck. I also brought my bike back with me and will be riding it to Windsor this weekend. How cool is that????
Oh, and this is a picture of the park very near my house at sunset. Pretty.

Hey amoonpie, your new favorite picture makes me glad I had that shawl after all! I must have had more wine than I thought, I don't even remember posing for that picture. I'm sure Christopher was mortified. I need to see more photos of the anniversary party, please... can you put them on snapfish so I can buy every single one? I saw you taking lots of pictures, come on, admit it!
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