This here is our Christmas tree which we cut down on a farm owned by a friend of Martin's parents. Our intention was to get a small tree but ended up with one over 6 feet tall. It is a nice tree although I have to say it was rather painful decorating it. Anytime I put on a decoration the little needles stabbed me. Maybe it was pissed we cut it down and this was its revenge. All I know is that there was a lot of swearing interspersed with my singing along to Andy Williams. It looks better in person. The flash made it look weird. I also made bon bons for the first time. They are, I have to admit, delicious, but an extreme pain to make. It all goes fine until you have to coat them with chocolate. I had to use milk chocolate as this country doesn't seem to sell semi-sweet and I am convinced this must have made it more difficult. The chocolate coating is a bit lumpy and not nice and even like when others make them. Still, like I said, delicious.
In other news redundancies are being announced this week and I should know by Friday if I get to keep my job. I am not too optimistic and preparing for the worst. I think the worst thing about this whole process is the waiting. They notified us last Monday there were going to be lay offs and we have had to wait all this time to find out who will be affected. At this point I am looking forward to the end of the week for at least the waiting will be over. It has been stressful but I feel prepared. It does make the holidays a little less fun though. And going to work right now is a major bummer. But at least I have work to go to. Plthth.
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