Michael Johnson
Here in the UK we have Michael Johnson running commentary on all the track events and I have to say I very much enjoy him. He is very informative, polite and extremely knowledgeable. He seems like a really cool guy. And he isn't overly pro-U.S. but instead will give his honest opinion on who he thinks the best athletes are. I quite like him! The coverage here is very good in that they don't beat one story into the ground but give equal coverage to most things. I still don't have any idea what the Americans are doing unless they happen to be competing against GB or are participating in one of the big events, but I think I giving that up is worth it. From what I hear the coverage of Michael Phelps is nauseating in itself. It is nice to watch a world event without all the drama America attaches to it. And I don't have to watch that annoying Bob Costas or whatever his name is. I'll take Michael Johnson over him any day!
I am at home sick today. Came down with tonsillitis this weekend and as if that weren't bad enough the anti-biotics I am taking make me extremely nauseous. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to feel like you are starving and need to eat but want to throw up at the same time. This does not bode well for marathon training as I have now missed two long runs. Hopefully I will be back on track soon.
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