Working Girl Reports
The good thing about my new job is I am busy all day and have lots to do. The bad thing is I don't have access to fun things like facebook and my blog and so sick of being on a computer all day that I tend not to want to get on another one when I get home. Once I settle in more I am sure I will work this all out but this is my excuse for being MIA the last couple of weeks.
The new job is really good. Very similar to what I was doing at Credit Suisse and I like it alot. Every day is different and it is challenging and interesting. The people I work with are all very nice and so far I really like the company. I am working right in the City so I get to take in the London sites every day. When I go for a run during my lunch break I run towards the Houses of Parliament and towards the Tower of London on the way back. I never get tired of looking at either! The commute is long but easy and although I leave earlier and get home later so far it all seems worth it!
My girls are doing very well and Shirley has finally started laying so we get two eggs most day. This is a big motivator to bake and cook as I am not quite ready to start giving them away. I also like to have them for breakfast on the weekends. There is a very noticable difference in taste and the freshness is amazing. They also make great companions. They run run run when you open the door and then follow you around while you are outside. This weekend we moved them to the back of the garden and although it is more difficult to spy on them with them so far away it is better to have them there. The only problem is they eat everything-similar to a goat in my opinion-so we are going to have to devise a means to keep them out of the vegi patch. I think we might just have to restrict their access to this part of the garden completely as I don't think chicken wire will do much to detour these twos. Luckily we have a couple months before we have to decide.
Everything else in London is good. It is still cold which I am getting really tired of. I wear a scarf constantly. Looks like we will be coming to what I hope will be a sunny Cali in September and hope to spend most of the time in SF with a weekend trip down to LA. Any bad weeks in Sept for anyone? please let me know! And maybe a trip to Yosemite. We shall see.
You know something you can't get here that I had a strange craving for? Rootbeer. Every now and again there is something nice about rootbeer.