Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It has been a week now and I am only just now writing about the inauguration. Sometimes I go through phases when I forget about my blog! But last Tuesday I got together with an old flatmate of mine from San Francisco who now lives in London and we headed to the most American place we could think of; TGIFridays. Oh dear-it was so American and tacky and I was seriously tempted to order some spinach and artichoke dip just for old times sake-but didn't! But it turned out to be a great place to watch as there were heaps of other Americans there and tourists who didn't know any better.

I feel there has been a lot of backlash about people wanting to get over the fact that Obama is the first black president and to just get on with it. But I felt very strongly that his inauguration should be a celebration of this fact. In was history in the making. Again I felt that rare pride in America as I watched him being sworn in. I thought I was going to cry-but didn't. People cheered when he came on the screen and high fives were given all around once it was over. There was a tremendous amount of booing every time W appeared on the screen and lots of comments about Cheney being in a wheelchair. I personally enjoyed watching the Obama's as a family unit. There seems to be actual love between them and it is nice to see. Refreshing you might say. However, I think the most special thing about that night was I watched the inauguration with people from all over the world, all of whom were excited about the change Obama represented. In our group alone there were two Americans, a Jamaican, a Brazilian and our token Brits. It was very special-yet we did leave as soon as the swearing in was over because there is only so much of TGIFridays a person can take.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Whole New You

As a new years resolution my sisters (and a sister's friend) and I are examining our habits and trying to find a whole new us. You can find it here...http://www.wholeliving.com/body-and-soul-challenge?lnc=7058a3cbdb70e110VgnVCM1000003d370a0aRCRD.

Part of this self discovery is a cleansing diet where we basically turn into vegans who aren't allowed any caffeine or sugar. You ease into it for a couple of days, go hard for a few days and then ease back into what I think are more normal eating habits that include a cup of tea every now and again. My head is not amused by this diet and I have had a splitting headache for the last three days. Approx the same amount of time I haven't had a cup of tea. Hmmmm. I am also hungry all the time. I just finished a large bowl of lentils and I am already thinking about snack time, which consists of carrots and hummus. (I can't lie though, I already eat this all the time. I love it!)

That all said, I do think my body does appreciate this diet of ours. It has been good for me to get away from dairy and I just had a delicious meal that had no dairy, oil or salt. It was simply lentils with cooked spinach and onions with tomato and avocado tossed in at the end. It was delicious! I have slimmed down a little-not lost any weight mind you but feel a bit leaner-and I am definitely getting my five a day. So, although I am really excited to have a cup of tea and maybe a piece of chocolate, I am going to use what I have learned this week and not fill my diet with quick fillers but be more conscious of not cooking with things I don't need to cook with. Like added salt and a pound of cheese. Mmmmm, I love me some cheese.

My parents are in town right now so that has also made this diet a little inconvenient but I started the hard core bit early so that when we are in Poole this weekend I can relax a little. I am excited to show them Poole and on the way home they are going to meet Martin's parents, which I am also excited about. Sadly the weather has been pretty cold and miserable since they got here. They did not bring the California sunshine with them.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

My new bike!

Look! It is me on my new bike! Given to me by Martin for Christmas! Now I can join him on any and all biking adventures and be prepared should it be blazing through forests on our mountain bikes or traveling cross country on our road bikes. And it is bright pink! Sadly, this clashes with my blue helmet, which matches my other bike. Is it too much to have two helmets? I haven't been able to ride my bike as much as I would like as it is on holiday in Poole while I am at home in London, but I am looking forward to the many rides we will share together. This is me on my first ride and although the first ten minutes were a bit precarious, I soon began to love it and had to beg to be shown more places to ride. I am very excited about the new addition to an old hobby.

I hope everyone had a merry Christmas. I did and I think it was just the break I needed. I was feeling a bit blue before the holidays, having lost my job. Stressed would be another way to describe it. But now I feel much much better and I am enjoying my time off. I know soon I will run the risk of becoming bored but for right now I am enjoying my lie-ins and spending time doing whatever I please. Well almost anything.

During Christmas I also went flying in one of these...

It was really fun! I was pretty nervous about it but I tried not to think about it too much before hand. The take off was very fast and powerful and it was literally smooth sailing after that. I figured I should try it once and if I hated it I never had to do it again. Now that I have tried and didn't hate it, maybe it will lead to new adventures. Although it was really smooth. I am not sure if I would like it should it be bumpy.

I am going to go back to my book now, Pillars of the Earth, which I am really enjoying. I was given a gift certificate to buy more books for Christmas so how about telling me about your favorite book? I am always looking for something to read!