I found the camera thingy!
It was hiding in my suitcase. Here are some pictures I have taken so far...

This is St Martin in the Fields. Not a very pretty church inside but outide it is quite impressive. They have concerts at lunch time and on Wednesday they are having tea and Mozart at twighlight which I think I will go to. Why not, right?

This is the National Gallery where I spent a couple of hours. One of my favorite paintings of all time is there and alot of impressionism which I also really enjoy. Admission is free so it is a perfect thing for me to do except next time I am getting the audio tour as I know nothing about art.

This is people feeding pigions at Trafalgar Square, even though there are signs everywhere asking you not to. I don't really understand the desire to have a bunch of dirty birds hovering all over you and touching you. If it was a bunch of rats would you feed them bread crumbs and let them climb all over you? I think not. And lets face it, pigions are rats with wings. (sorry bert)

The first time I came to London I walked out of a tube station and this was the first thing I saw. It took my breath away and I still love going there, just to look at it.

And today I went to Piccadilly Circus and walked up and down Regent Street. It was pouring down rain but I didn't care. If memory serves me right this is where Adrienne and I had tea and saw Steve Martin. I didn't see anyone famous but it was delightful all the same.
Hi Amber,
Blue skies? That doesn't happen there? Nice photshop work on Big Ben.
It looks like you're enjoying yourself. Remember, have a Pimms Cup.
Hey Amber! I was actually online while you were emailing me :-) I thought I'd look over your blog for the first time ever to see how it's going there across the pond. Do you find it bizarre to have so much free time on your hands!? It's weird to have nothing to do, no one who is waiting for you to show up, or know if you haven't . . .in days. At least, for me it is a weird sensation. (I've only had such a moment once because honestly, when would I ever get such a chance!) I guess you'll be anxiously awaiting Laura by the time your "vacation" comes around.. Glad things are looking so good and I'll look forward to hearing from you again.
Just so we are all clear, per Dave's comment, no photoshop work folks, just a natural talent.
Amber, you're right--we were at Fortnum and Mason's when we saw Steve Martin and do you agree he was pretty impressive in person? That's been my only "Wow!" star moment to date, and I have seen a few since I live in LA ;-) I'm sure you know that in the pubs they watch football so you can kill 2 birds with one stone (3 birds if they will buy some chips and fish to go with the beer). How are you finding apartments--by want ads in the paper?
Love you! Smadely
Ditto on Big Ben, Amber - were we together? In fact, as I think about it, I think that was the day you, me and Laura went to Westminister Abbey. Ah, the memories :-) Love Kate
Hey Amber. Glad you made it safely. Seems like you traveled pretty light for such a long stay.
Not only are the guys so cute but they all have that really great accent too! Yeah right :-)
NewCastle Brown Ale on tap. Its nothing like what you get in the states. Drink it. Enjoy it. If you are like me you'll have dreams about it 20 years later :-(
I'm sorry to say but Thousand Island dressing is about as good as the food is going to get. I'm sure by the time you leave you'll know the difference between potatoes grown in Scotland and potatoes grown in Ireland. Of course you live in London - one of the most international cities on the planet and loaded with great restaurants from almost every country (except Mexico). Unfortunately potatoes is probably going to be more in your price range. Potatoes and beer. I can vouch for the fact that you can live for a year on that diet :-) Let me know if you need different ways to cook potatoes. You can bake them, mash them, fry them, etc. Well that and curry. Tasted like chicken... :-)
Great pictures, Amber. Ah, the National Gallery, where you and I met William Morris thanks to Dad's prodding. That "meeting" opened up a whole new view of art for me. Enjoy enjoy enjoy.
Hi Amber, I'm glad to hear you arrived safely. Your pictures make me wish that I was in your shoes experiencing England on my own. You have so much ahead of you! Enjoy, and Paul is right they do have great accents in Europe (Spaniards, Italians and even the French have great accents - well the French mostly when they are speaking French)
Hey, Amber,
Get that grey-haired guy's name. He's pretty cute.
I agree with ellen - the grey-haired guy looks promising.
can't wait to see you -- watch out not-so-ugly brit guys, here we come !!
So this whole moving out of the country thing is doing wonders for your blog stats! I might have to try that....
It sounds like you're keeping yourself entertained but we all want to hear about your apartment search and how you actually managed to take the tube from the airport with two 70lb. suitcases and a carry on by yourself! You know, the juicy stuff.
And by the way, what is a Pimms cup?
Oops, I forgot to scroll down before I posted my last comment.
I just remembered, you've got to try an Innus & Gunn. Remember i told you about the beer that had hints of citrus and honey?
Sorry, spelled the beer incorrectly:
Innis & Gunn
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