A Mexican from Mexico
Yesterday I went to Covent Garden which I really enjoyed. Again, very touristy but it was manageable. While I was there I saw this man singing opera in the plaza...

In case you can't read what it says, the shirt reads, "I'm a show boy". Oh man, I am still giggling. I think I laughed for about 10 minutes when I saw him and his shirt. I didn't even ask him to pose for this picture.
Saturday all I did was apartment hunt and I think I may have found one. We'll see, I'll find out in about 3 hours. It is a lovely place right across the street from a huge park in a really safe neighborhood, about a ten minute walk from the tube. The only problem is that the agency they are renting it through is having issues that I don't have a job or a UK bank account. So, we'll see. One of the flat mates is going to call them today to see what he can work out. It would be really nice because we all would be moving in at the same time so I feel like it would be a fresh start and a place I could call my own. Not someone's apartment that they are letting me rent a room in.
And yesterday, like I mentioned, I went to Covent Garden and Leicester Square. It is nice that there are so many places where you can just walk and take in the sights. Being alone I am trying to save the real touristy stuff for when Brian and Laura come to visit so I can talk to someone about what we are seeing. I also went and watched my first football match in an English pub. It was a little scary going into a pub at 4:00 in the afternoon filled with men but it actually worked out okay cause I met Carlos, a Mexican from Mexico. I had told people I was really going to miss Mexicans and here he was. He has promised to show me good Mexican food in the city. Can't wait! I also had my first traditional English breakfast, vegi style. Pretty tasty! (by the way, I watched Chelsea beat Manchester City, 3 nill and then some very exciting cricket where one of the teams had to forfeit because they tampered with the ball. It was very controversal.)
I am sure I will post in another few hours as I am sure you are all DYING with anticipation to find out if I got the apartment or not. Keep your fingers crossed...
You can take us to those Mexican restaurants in Jan.; that'll be different!
Well I can tell your pub coverage of cricket was from England... according to LA papers, the referee was to blame. He always finds a way to throw the match so that Asian teams loose. This time he claimed that the ball, which had been in continuous use during the match, had somehow been tampered with by the Pakistani team. They played until the tea interval and then refused to come out to resume the match.
WHAT Mexican food in London???
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