Scarffy Scarf

Here is my pretty Vogue Knitting scarf thanks to yarn and pattern provided by knitting extraordinaire Ginny. It is even softer and prettier in real life and Andrea my flat mate who calls me grandma also thinks it is nice. I love it. Now I am going to start a cabled sweater. I have the yarn, I have the pattern, the only thing I don't have are the flippin needles! Argh! I think I literally have every needle size except the one I need. I found a new needle brand I really like called Addi. Even better than Crystal Palace although they are medal and tend to clickty clack clickty clack. I am also looking for some cheap yarn to make a purse. I am really excited about that! I am also going to make a simple Jo Sharp sweater but I am still waiting for the yarn to arrive. I can knit when I am working at the hospital and the Jo Sharp sweater will be perfect for that.
School has started up again and so far so good. One class is about information society and the law which is really interesting except 3 whole hours of lecture on the subject is a bit much. The teacher is a bit quirky and kind of reminds me of an eewok. Two other classes are on databases and cataloging and then I am doing literature review for my dissertation as my elective. Now I have to try and find an internship for the summer and everything will be in order. There is a slight possibility I will have to come back to the states to do this but I really really would rather do it here as I would be cutting my time here very short.
I booked my trip to Rome and I am off at the end of February. I am excited to go but I wish it wasn't alone. Thankfully I have perfected my "mean" face that will hopefully discourage anyone speaking to me. Unless of course they seem nice and then I will try and revert back to friendly. I hope it will be warm!!!
Wow! I'm tempted to send you more of that yarn so that you can make one for me!!! It turned out so beautiful, I think you'll wear it's that kind of scarf.
You're so good,
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