This weekend I went sailing for the first time. I had a sneaky suspicion I would like it and I really did! We left Friday night and sailed to the Isle of Wight, a little island just off the coast of England. As it was dark when we got left there wasn't much to see however it was a good introduction for the days ahead.

As with all things when doing out door events in England, weather was a concern but luckily we had great weather. Saturday morning we woke to a foggy sky but the clouds quickly parted and we had a beautiful, if not a little chilly, sunny day.

We set off for the Needles, the Isle of Wight's claim to fame. They were pretty impressive. I am glad I got to see them from a different perspective as I am sure if you just got to see them from land they would have seemed kind of boring. We sailed around them and then off to some more rocky waters, where I got sea sick. I actually had been fine for most of Saturday but I made the mistake of going below deck when we were tacking and after that I felt pretty ill. I threw up all over the side of the boat and had to spend the rest of the day focusing on a light house on the island. It was a pity as I was really enjoying myself. The wind was pretty good and the boat was sailing almost completely on its side. If you were to look at it it might seem scary but it really wasn't at all. Once we got back to shore I felt much much better and didn't get sick again after that.

Sunday we just kind of cruised around and a couple of the boys I was with took a dip in the sea and attached themselves to a rope while we pulled them with the engine on. It looked like fun but very very cold.

Cruised in Sunday evening and now I am sitting on my couch with a cold/flu, can't decide which. I had it most of the trip too which was a bummer but it could have been much worse. Sniff.
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