Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lulworth Cove

This weekend we visited a very beautiful place called Lulworth Cove. It is about what you would expect from a cove, semi-circle in shape with cliffs and sea shaping the scenery and a cheeky overpriced cafe near by where you can have a nice lunch while watching the light change on the water.

The nice place about visiting places in England, especially on the coast, is that it looks completely different than anything from home. The houses look old and worn, the streets are cobbled and you have to climb over green hills to obtain your view of the ocean blue. I love it. It isn't the same but it is pretty good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear amoonpie,
As I look at the cove (in spite of the nice photographs through the grass!), I can only think of one thing: what kind of ROCKS are along that cove?!?
Just a hint about a totally free gift from England, the likes of which can never be found in any cheeky gift shop: any rock which looks partially or completely translucent, or which looks pretty when wet, would polish nicely for jewelry when given to a sister back home.

9:28 AM  

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