An Exhibition and Cabaret

A couple of weeks ago, an art website Martin works on, had its first exhibition on Portobello Road. The work was photography by Jon Stark and although I wasn't so sure about the work initially I really liked it hanging on the wall. This weekend they had a stall at the Royal Academy of Art as well, showing Jon's work and a couple of other photographers. Take a look at the website, there is some good stuff there. I was never one for art really-I get bored at museums and half the time I don't know understand what it is I am looking at. But being exposed to all this art I am learning there are things I like and things I don't and art is a worth wild investment. There wasn't too much I liked at the Royal Academy but there was one stall that had some modern work I was attracted to. Sadly, being bad with names, I can't remember the artist's name. Damn.
Saturday we went and saw Cabaret which I really enjoyed despite the man with the very annoying fake American accent who played the lead and the MC who was disappointing. The woman who played Sally Bowles was very good and the set was very good as well. The dancing was not what I had hoped it would be-I am so use to the movie and have all the Fosse numbers-but it was still entertaining and well done. It was a lot different than I thought it would be but I love going to the theater that even if I were to see a really bad production I would still be the happiest girl in the place.
By the way, that is not Martin in the picture. I laugh though at those of you who may have thought it was! Hee hee.
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