
This weekend Martin took me to Brighton as an early Christmas present. Like any young girl, I had grand ideas about what this sea side town would offer after reading too many Jane Austin novels. I think when the Bennets went to Brighton however, it wasn't in the middle of winter...

I was mostly excited to see the sea. I miss the ocean and large waves and frolicking freely on the beach. When I ever did this while living in San Francisco would have been limited to one week a year when it was actually warm enough to be on a beach but it was always nice to know I could if I wanted to. Plus, being an active individual I always came across the Pacific on a bike ride or two. And Brighton did feel like a beach town. When we actually managed to get to the sea front-torrential rain and hurricane like wind conditions not with-standing-it felt a lot like what I wanted it to feel like. A beach girl at heart I love it when it is calm and serene and stormy and threatening as well. I could have looked at the waves crashing for hours but not soaking wet and freezing cold as well. It was really nice to get away and go some place I have always wanted to see. Even though the sun didn't really shine and it was advisable to stay inside, I loved walking the streets,the drama of the weather and the nice cup of tea with yummy cake. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the penny arcade! They still have old fashioned penny machines where you stand the chance of winning a pocket full of change and a sweet. This was EXTREMELY exciting the first pound I played. It may have been a mistake to play the other pound as it did get a little boring but I like to win, even if it is only a couple of two pence coins!
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