Although Christmas was what, two weeks ago?, this is the first chance I have had to post! Went to Poole for the holidays which is in Dorset on the coast and spent Christmas with the Partners. A very nice Christmas indeed. We all stayed in Martin's flat which was a little cozy but not so cozy we felt cramped. The weather was very cold but the first few days we were there we managed no rain and so enjoyed walks along the harbor and bike rides to the beach. We didn't do a whole lot, which seems to be the trend with the holidays. Just ate a lot, drank some, lounged about, focused our attention on the very cute and charming baby present and watched the beautiful sunsets. The Partners all seem to like sweets as much as the Mooneys so I didn't have to feel too bad about my constantly nibbling on sweets. I made a nut roast for Christmas dinner which I thought was yummy. There was a turkey present and a big feast was had. Not a whole lot to report really. It was very nice and I felt very fortunate that if I couldn't spend the holidays with my family I got to spend it with such a nice one. Martin and I stayed on until new years which was equally non-eventful. Just made dinner and watched the fireworks on TV. Looking at my pictures I realize I don't really have any! (as you can tell) Funny how you think you are documenting an event and really you aren't.

Now I am looking for a new job and hoping one will come along my way soon. It has been really cold of late and I can't believe how much longer I have to wait until Spring. Have started running again and aiming to do a half marathon in March. There is one early March but not sure I am going to be ready for that. The break from running was nice but I am already enjoying getting back into it. It will be even better once I get a real job and can afford the gym again! Started to plan my trip home and really really excited to see everyone. When is someone going to come visit me???
What a nice photo of the sunset. You are turning out to be quite a photographer. Thanks for the post!
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