Heath Ledger
I am not sure why but news of his death really upset me. I learnt of it on my commute this morning into work. I was reading the back of some man's newspaper and literally gasped out loud when I came to the story of his overdose. (the man looked at me funny, I offered an apologetic smile) His death seems so tragic to me. I think it might be because it appears to have been accidental and he was so young. I saw an interview of him once on Opera (I don't know why I was watching Opera-I never watch Opera!) and he just seemed really really nice. (And ok, hot.) I had a certain respect for him. The man just wanted some sleep-so sad.
In other news I am still looking for a job. I can't even get a crappy admin job! Slim pickings out there. Part of the problem is I am not a resident and they are afraid I will flee the country at any time. I try to assure them I am not going anywhere but they seem to think I am lying. Hmph
On my way to LA this April we are stopping in Death Valley. Does anyone know of a nice place to stay-or even a decent place to stay? Coming from Las Vegas and the searches I have done so far have come up with depressing results. It makes me nervous when a hotel won't publish photos of their premises!
Please don't vote for Hillary!
Lordy, I absolutely PROMISE not to vote for Hillary
Ask Mmm about Death Valley. She knows/loves the area and is familiar with hotels.
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