Monday, April 21, 2008

Budapest-Not Berlin

I am going to skip a blog entry about my trip home as anyone who reads my blog (all five of you) I saw whilst at home. But I do want to say congratulations to Kate and Tim. You were a beautiful bride Kate! I don't think I have ever seen you quite as happy as you are with Tim.

Due to scheduling conflicts it turns out I am busy the week of the Berlin marathon. However, the Budapest marathon is a week later and I am going to do that instead. I think I am even more excited to do it in Budapest than I was to do it in Berlin and it isn't suppose to be hilly either. AND you get to go into their famous thermal bathes after. Although that might be kind of gross after everyone has ran 26.2 miles but screw it-I'm in! AND they give you a free massage at the end. I start training the beginning of June so now I just have to go into pre-training mode. The bad news is I hurt my foot while in the States on a stupid walk in Las Vegas and I thought it was better however after a run yesterday it has begun to hurt again. Maybe new running shoes will help.

I am in my fourth week at work and so far I love it. Yes, I actually can say I love my job! I am sure this excitement will wear off but right now I am quite pleased. I find it challenging yet doable and the day goes by lickity split. And it is great working 8 hours-7 really cause you get an hour for lunch. I wish it was a little bit closer to home as the commute in the morning is no fun. Forget about ever getting a seat. And this will sound silly but the various doors you have to open while walking into the building are too heavy. I don't know why some people can't take an extra second to push it open for the person behind them but I do my best to go through doors that are already open. But other than that it is great! I have had some stress dreams about it but I am sure these will eventually go away. Like when I start running and I am too tired to dream.


Blogger Mr. X said...

Well, Amber, Amber, Amber...

Five readers? hmm you mean six! Hahaha, that's right squirt!

I suppose you aren't counting me as one of your readers...but I have been reading your blogs since I met you. By the way, I don't think I've mentioned it before, but you have a writing style I enjoy reading. Your story telling skills are... marvelous. =)

But, you probably don't remember me keep writing and your sixth will keep on reading.

Anyway, just a few tips from someone who knows about running...I am a former U.S. Marine, all we did was run, run, run...on the left foot, mighty, mighty left foot...

So, the tip of the day, and I hope you find it useful. The amazing structure of our mighty feet is made up of 26 small bones which are held together by a network of muscles, ligaments and skin. (See? I know my stuff) hehehe... Our feet take severe daily tortures and your new running shoes won't get your feet back into running condition. If your foot still hurts and you keep running on it. You run the risk of injuring it again. The best policy is to have a podiatrist take a look at it. Massage it throughly everyday and make sure to do stretch/warm up exercises before and after a run. Take good care of your feet because after all, they are the ones that will carry you through life.

You can, if you'd like - add me to your myspace,

Cordial regards,

Can we climb this mountain through a skylight? Close your eyes, see my face. Cry I'm gone.

I fly through a window of rain, take my palms to your delicate face, warm it up, I'm not done.

Let's not fly, let's just run, run forever feeling that natural towering height.

Turn me into light, run with me and I will run along side with you.

Take my hand today, and I will take your hand tomorrow.

Let's run faster, I like this frame...

Freedom is found in the shift of transition...

But not running against the sun, is living life without a mission.

(Don't ask, I just wrote it...I am a visual, spontaneous kind of person.)

3:29 AM  

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