Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Cleft by Dorris Lessing

I have to admit that I haven't finished this book and I probably won't. I have been reading it for about a month and although I don't hate the book or anything it gives me a headache every time I read it and I felt seriously ill today when I tried to finish it on the tube.

The book is a story of creation and how men and women as we know them came to be. Based on a theory that once upon a time there were no men, the book gives a long chronology on how they were introduced to the world and were ultimately accepted. (they were thought of as monsters when the women first gave birth to them) I think it is the type face that is used that gives me so many problems as the book is very easy to read. However, I have been reading it for so long-which is not like me-that I am at a point where I don't care what happens and want to move on. It did make me think about women in general though and our stereo type of being "naggers". From this book you get the impression that really we have no choice and if we didn't "nag" men would never do the things that they should. I try very hard not to nag Martin but I guess there is some validity to the idea that if I don't constantly tell him what it is I want him to do, he'll never do it. This theory I like to have that he should just know not to leave milk out all night doesn't really hold. (and to be fair, i don't really have to nag him about anything) Anyway, it made me think about this stereo type. She also portrays women as pretty lazy which I find pretty annoying. I think this book required way too much thinking and seeing as how I have to think all day long I am looking forward to a book that requires a little less reflection and a little more cheap fun.

Weather is miserable-shocking I know. We had two weeks of nice weather and that was about it! One can hope this will be the last of it but I have yet to see a weather forcast that calls for blue skies. Job is going really well and I still like it. Started marathon training yesterday and already dreading my run in the rain tomorrow. Guess I should get use to it. Plants are growing nicely and I can't wait until they get big and tall and start producing some fruit! I feel like they are my children. (is that sad?)


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