Monday, February 23, 2009

I saw the sun...

...and now it is gone. England got a whole day of sunshine on Saturday and it was all people could talk about. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and people began to feel hope that Spring was on the way. Martin and I were no exception. We went to the garden centre to get ready for our spring gardening and spent the afternoon cleaning out pots and putting in new flowers. We made plans for the next day to spend it in the park, with a picnic and the paper and that night the main topic of conversation was "wasn't it a wonderful day!?" It all ended the next morning. We woke up and the sky was gray again with no hint of the sunshine we had seen the day earlier. Our plans for the park were tossed aside and we spent the day in doors with the paper instead. This week's forecast? Cloudy skies with chance of rain.

I think the most interesting thing about our day of sun was it made me realize how much the weather effects our moods. I woke up happy and energetic and wanted to spend the whole day being productive. Now that it is cloudy again I woke up cranky, cold and wondering what time I will take a nap. I just felt lighter with the sun out. Now I feel heavy again. I hope our awful winter and last years awful summer is rewarded with a hot, sunny summer!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tired of Being Cold

The novelty of winter has worn off and I am officially tired of being cold. Tired of having to put on a million layers before I venture outside and tired of wearing a hat every time I go for a run. The snow has stopped but now it is raining. I had to buy some exercise DVDs as it is too miserable to try and exercise out doors. I am looking forward to March when I can start sowing my vegetable garden seeds and start packing to move. As of right now the days just kind of drag by as I am invariable stuck inside somewhere. And as I am the only person I know who has been made redundant, I don't even have anyone to share in my winter land misery. Hurry up Spring!

So, as you can see, I don't have much to report. I am going to finish up my CV and send it along to some employment agencies and let the job hunt begin. I am not sure how far I will get without an official visa but can't hurt to try. I am applying for the visa at the end of this month which is exciting news, and I just hope it doesn't take a million years to arrive. We are also waiting to finalize the house and the survey is happening this week. I hope it all goes well. I have dreams about moving in but don't let myself think about it too much, except perhaps when I am in the kitchen and cursing the lack of space. I often calm myself by thinking not too much longer...a dream kitchen is in your horizon!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Yesterday when we woke up and looked out our window, this is what we saw...

and when we opened up the front door, we saw this...

Too excited to stay in bed I got bundled up and walked Martin to work...

through the park...

and then back home again.

I also made a snow man.

It snowed all day long.

What a great day to be unemployed! Most people took the day off work and the streets and parks were filled with kids and their parents playing in the snow. Transportation came to a stand still and businesses closed early. London couldn't cope but then again, why should it? Does this look normal for London?