Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tired of Being Cold

The novelty of winter has worn off and I am officially tired of being cold. Tired of having to put on a million layers before I venture outside and tired of wearing a hat every time I go for a run. The snow has stopped but now it is raining. I had to buy some exercise DVDs as it is too miserable to try and exercise out doors. I am looking forward to March when I can start sowing my vegetable garden seeds and start packing to move. As of right now the days just kind of drag by as I am invariable stuck inside somewhere. And as I am the only person I know who has been made redundant, I don't even have anyone to share in my winter land misery. Hurry up Spring!

So, as you can see, I don't have much to report. I am going to finish up my CV and send it along to some employment agencies and let the job hunt begin. I am not sure how far I will get without an official visa but can't hurt to try. I am applying for the visa at the end of this month which is exciting news, and I just hope it doesn't take a million years to arrive. We are also waiting to finalize the house and the survey is happening this week. I hope it all goes well. I have dreams about moving in but don't let myself think about it too much, except perhaps when I am in the kitchen and cursing the lack of space. I often calm myself by thinking not too much longer...a dream kitchen is in your horizon!


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