Unfortunately since being home we have discovered we have mice. We didn't have them before and now we do. They poo everywhere and I am totally grossed out by it.
Last night as I was reading my book and thinking to myself, well, at least we never SEE the mice, guess what just happens to run across the floor.
Me: eeeeeeeeeeeeek, MOUSE!
Martin: Where?
Me: Over there (point frantically to arm chair across room) under the chair!
Martin: I don't see..oh wait, there he is. Awwww, he's so cute!
Me: Not cute, catch mouse.
Martin: But look at him, he is so cute!
Me: Repeat, not cute. Poos everywhere, GET MOUSE!
Skip forward several minutes of finding mouse and trapping it in the bookcase. Martin for some reason turns squeamish about catching the mouse and actually squeals at one point when he sees it in the bookcase. I spent a good 20 minutes waiting for it to come out of its hiding place and into our trap, but I was getting tired so decided to catch the mouse myself. And I did. I trapped it into a very nice large clear plastic container and put 15 books on top to make sure it didn't get out.
Me: Can you please get rid of it, some place far away.
Martin: I will tomorrow. Should we give it some food?
Martin: Well, we should at least have a little opening so air can get in. He might suffocate.
Martin: Just a little...
Me: Ok. (move books a millimetre to let in precious air)
Martin: I think it would be nice if we could give it a nice mountain scene for him to look at.
Martin: Here, I'll just book this book at the back so it has something nice to look at...
This morning Martin got up before I did to discover mouse dead. I'M NOT SAD. Martin seemed a little sad until he found out that the reason our dishwasher wasn't working was because mouse ate hole through one of the pipes. NOT SO CUTE NOW IS IT.
He is coming home with proper mouse traps later today to catch mouse's friends and family.
You're kidding about the mountain scene, right?
Ohh Amber, there is nothing cute about mice in your house!!, they freak me out!! As you know, you must get a handle on it right away as they multiply quick. Put traps everywhere, GADS. Good-luck!
That mouse is BIG!!!!
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