What I am really excited about is Howdy, our new puppy! But the Royal Jubilee really shouldn't be ignored. It was actually a great affair.
Two public holidays were had by those unfortunate enough to have a 9-5 job and the long weekend was spent watching various events on the TV and enjoying a general feel good atmosphere.
Saturday there was a Jubilee "festival" in our local village, so we went on down to watch the local cricket teams play each other, badly, and enjoyed an afternoon on the grass drinking bear and catching up with the neighbours. There were some booths set up selling random things, not all Jubilee related, there was a May Pole, and as it wasn't raining, everyone was in a good mood. (Apparently the car in this photo is worth £800K!)
Sunday there was a river parade which we watched on telly. It was okay. I did my knitting at the same time so it was a pleasant way to pass an afternoon. Probably not so pleasant for people who had to actually be on the river as the weather was shocking. Cold and rainy. Poor Queenie. Almost killed Prince Philip... (although I think we all secretly know he was probably just bored to death by it all and faked being ill)
On the Monday there was a very large concert held for her Royal Majesty, and a very good speech given by her eldest. However, we watched this the following afternoon as we were otherwise occupied at our hamlet's Jubilee party. Everyone in the neighbourhood gathered round for some BBQ and general good cheer and fun.
The following day we were off to Poole to move out of the flat, and listened to the Queen thank the nation for a lovely celebration, again on the telly. It was a lovely weekend and I love living in a country that has these sort of celebrations, history and tradition. Long live the Queen!
As a side note every time they played "God Save the Queen, I could not but help to sing the lyrics to "America the Beautiful". In my head, not out loud.
Another side note, looks like we are set to complete on the farm on the 21st, which means I should be packing right now!