Monday, January 28, 2013


This weekend Martin and I picked up Tilly, our in pig gilt. (a pregnant female). We are very excited!

On her first night Tilly managed to cross the electric fence and evict the sandy and black weaners living next door. Apparently she preferred their pig ark. No worries though, the weaners took note and moved on and seem perfectly happy in their new home.

I think Tilly is a little depressed as she hasn't really come out to play. Hopefully she will perk up soon. She had a roommate at her last home, Katherine, and although Katherine was rather bossy, I think Tilly misses the company. And we changed her name, so that must be confusing as well. She was called Tana. I really don't like that name. So now she is called Tilly!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More Snow

Lots of snow on the farm and although it is very pretty, I am starting to get nervous about the mess it will make when it melts. The animals don't seem to be suffering too much from it though, and if it is going to be cold, at least it is pretty!

Part of the fun of the snow is seeing all the tracks other animals make. Howdy finds this very amusing as he likes to sniff each individual foot print to find out more about these creatures. (in this case, fox)

And despite the snow we were able to welcome 4 more Oxford Sandy and Black weaners onto the farm last weekend. I am sure I always say this, but they are very cute!

Monday, January 14, 2013

And now...snow.

At first Howdy was a little concerned by the snow, but playing in it soon took place.

Good thing about the snow is I can monitor how many people drive up to the honesty hut!

Pigs don's seem to mind the snow. As long as they get fed.

Although the snow makes things easier in a sense (the ground is hard instead of mushy) it is a real drag lugging water to the chicken sheds. Chickens drink a lot of water!

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Happy New Year!

Today the sun is shining and in the last 9 days we have only had ONE evening of rain. Everything is still muddy and gross, but when the sun is shining, who cares? I would like to clarify that 9 dry days does not mean 9 sunny days. Today it is sunny, and this is an exception.

Here is what is happening on the farm...

Pigs are growing! We get three new ones this weekend and our pregnant gilt the weekend following!

I spent the morning shovelling shit into our fruit cage. This is very hard work but that is okay as I plan to make cupcakes later and now have the excuse I need to eat as many as I want. Once the manure has worked its way into the soil, our raspberries will be planted in here.

And although it is hard to tell, my onion and garlic bed is springing up and growing nicely! I can't wait for the days to get longer and warmer so some proper gardening can begin to take place!