Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's a sad lonley world out there

So being newly single I find myself developing strange new habits, one of which is to look at personals on line. (I have also developed a mean shopping habit-like the one I had before wasn't bad enough!) I fully do not intend on meeting someone this way, and I am in no way shape or form ready to even talk to someone of the opposite sex that I do not already know, and would never post, but I find it entertaining and I have heard so much about this on line dating stuff that I decided to see who is out there.

Well lets just say it is a sad lonely world out there. I know people who do this all the time, and with some measure of success. Stinky managed to find a girl this way and dated her for a short while, until he decided to move back to Ireland. And I am not saying people who meet other people this way are necessarily sad or lonely. But reading these posts, and seeing their pictures, it makes me sad that people are so desperate to find that someone and feel the only way to do so is to make themselves vulnerable to people cruising around the site for fun, like me. Gone are the days when hooking up and finding someone new to date is easy and fun. Especially in San Francisco. Men tend to think all the women in San Francisco are snobby, and all the women seem to think that all the men in San Francisco are gay (because they are!) A lot of the posts I have seen have been from men trying to find a nice girl. Are you out there? they ask. A lot of them are also so superficial that I just want to scream at them that there is more to a person than their bra size. I mean really, come on. So here is my vow: no matter how entertaining looking at the personals can be, and no matter how much time I can waste at work looking at them, I will do it no longer. I have been lucky in life to have been loved even once, and lets admit it, I am more fortunate and better off than a lot of the people in this world. So goodbye personals and the people who lurk here. Good luck in your search!

I don't mean for this post to be jaded or sad. It is just something I have been experiencing, and like mom says, it is good to keep a diary so you can look back and see what you were thinking at a given time and place.


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