A long time since I posted and although I am pretty sure no one reads this I might as well keep up at it. This is picture of the people I rang in the New Year with. I actually stole the picture from
Ginny's blog because no one ever gives me copies of their pictures for my viewing pleasure :( But I think this is a good pic. New Year's was actually really nice for me this year. I had some friends over for dinner and than more friends joined us for the witching hour. It soon turned into a dance party and my last guests did not leave until 3:00 or so. I had a really good time and I am glad I got to spend it with my friends. They are good people.
I am still waiting to hear back from the other schools in London and in the meanwhile I am frantically studying for the GRE. I take the test in a week! From the practice tests it isn't looking too good but I am going to do my best. I have to be prepared for the idea that I might not get in the first time around and might have to apply again. It would suck but might be necessary. I am also looking for employment at a library. I think it would be fun but it is not easy to get a job in a library. The good news is I have seen lots of ads looking for librarians and they all pay well. Whew.
What else, hmmmm. Genie and I bought our tickets for Ireland and leave March 30. We will be gone for 10 days and I actually have to go get my passport today as I lost my first one. I am super excited to go to Ireland. It will be an actual vacation! And I can't wait to see Stinky. We miss him and I know he will be a good host.
That is about it. I am working on a really pretty scarf right now and almost done with the sweater. I just have to put on the sleeves which I have been procrastinating on. I think I have needed to put them on for a month now. Maybe I will to that this weekend as a studying distraction.