Friday, February 24, 2006

As promised...

Ladies and gentleman, it is official, I have my first donor! (now you can donate if this was your reason for not donating before) I actually have two donors now but I promised to do a blog entry on the FIRST donor and true to my word, here it is to David Anderson. (whoop whoop) David and I use to live in the most God awful apartment in San Francisco. This took place in the infamous .com boom and I paid $800 to live in a sauna like shoe box with no windows and two (that's right, two) cats, which belonged to the third roommate trapped in this hell hole with us. To make matters worse this shoe box was located in the sunset and for the first six months of my life in San Francisco I was convinced that the sun really never ever did come out. David went to school in Nebraska and boy does he have some Nebraska pride. I am not sure how long David was in San Francisco and the details get kind of fuzzy but basically, he had a girlfriend, he moved to Orange County (?) to be with her and when that didn't work out so well he joined Americorps and built him some houses. Now David is back in San Francisco and has a nice job downtown that makes him work really long hours. The thing I like best about David is he has a great sense of humor. It is so good that sometimes you don't know if he is being funny or serious, and this always makes things interesting because it is usually a little bit of both. Thanks David for being my first donor!

OHMYGOD danicing with the stars was on last night and I had to miss and I can't wait to watch the tape Ginny made for me. The finale is on Sunday. I will be so sad when it is over!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Are people crazy?

I have been looking on craigslist to see if I can find an apartment to sublet for the summer so I can save some of my hard earned cash. Can I just tell you that people out there are crazy? Why someone would want to rent a room in the lower haight and share with roommates for $500 A WEEK is beyond me. There are also alot of people willing to sublet their places for $3000+ a month. How is this a good deal? Isn't the whole point of subletting to get some money while you leave your place vacent and hook some poor, homeless soul up with a cheap place to stay for a while? I don't get it.

I have officially signed up for the AIDS/Life Cycle Ride and have begun fundraising. That doesn't mean people have begun donating but I am sure some day, someone, will be my first donor. And in their honor I will dedicate a whole blog entry to them. I know for some people this could be a deterrant but maybe it will be nice surprise for someone else.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I finally finished the scarf Ginny gave me and isn't it pretty! It took a long time but I really like it and I am happy with the results. I am also excited because it frees up those needles and i can make some hand warmers I have been wanting to start.

Do you wonder how I am getting all these wonderful photos? Staples had a deal where you get a free digital camera if you order 100 dollars or more on their website. And wouldn't you know JPEF needed office supplies? The camera is SUPER ghetto. It doesn't have a display screen and you never know what exactly you are taking a picture of. They always seem to be off centered. It is good for taking pictures of my craft projects though, provided I take them in full daylight and have time to crop them so they look semi normal.

I am home from work sick today. I feel like crap! The worst part is I don't feel like eating and what is good being sick at home if you can't sit on your sofa and eat all day???

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Meet the doggies

Meet Hercules. A puddle bashawn (aka mutt)Hercules likes to lounge around the office in between boutes of activity where he is dragged around the office by his brother Atlas (see below) by the tail. Hercules enjoys begging, humping Atlas' leg, begging, barking, growling, begging and occasionally jumping on your lap so he can beg for food not yet seen. Asked what he values most in life, Hercules would say any food that is not dog food.

Meet Atlas. Atlas is a standard size poodle and still a pup weighs a meager 50 pounds. Atlas enjoys barking loudly at other dogs, people, inanimate objects and flies, and when given the opprotunity will drag you to the ground so you can see life from his perspective. Atlas, a good dog, will perform tricks for treats and can stand on his hind legs for as long as you are willing to hold that food in front of his face.

For a limited time only you can spend time with Atlas and Hercules at the JPEF office. A Limited Engagement! Last appearence will be Tuesday, February 14. Come one come all and see how long you can make Atlas and Hercules stand on their hind legs, simultaneously!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I AM smart!!!

I took the GRE's the same day I found out I was accepted to London so although I didn't want to take them I decided to anyway. You get your scores immediatly except for your writing scores which they send to you later. I received mine yesterday and I scored 6 out of 6! That is the 98th percentile! I rock! Too bad it doesn't matter.

I have to start applying for financial aid now which is a big pain but necessary. Deadlines for scholorships and grants are fast approaching and before I know it I will have missed out on some sort of opportunity. This can all be very stressful.