Spent a glorious weekend in Poole. We finally got a summer for two whole days! It was great. If I could, I would live in Poole. It is on the coast and it can be so beautiful. Plus, it is warmer there. I took some pictures so I could show all of you what I am talking about...

And this is Poole Quay where we sometimes sit outside and share some chips after a bike ride or a long walk along the water. It is less crowded now that school is back on and most of the tourists have left. Come November it will be deserted.

And here are some people fishing on the harbour near the quay. Did you know that Poole is the world's second largest natural harbour? True fact.
That is our little life in Poole on the weekends. We don't really do much when we are there. Usually exercise of some sort, be it a walk or bike ride or run, and then we sit on the sofa and eat the rest of the time. We tend to eat better in Poole than we do at home. Maybe some day I will get to live there but for now I am in smoggy cold and gray London where the people are rude and always in a hurry. Perhaps I should go take pictures of London to remind myself what I great city it really is!