Progress and then not so much
So I started my arm warmers and they are really really cute. I was even thinking today how perfect they would be for the office because I am wearing a t-shirt today and although I am also wearing a coat it is not that comfortable to sit at your desk wearing a coat. When my arm warmers are done I won't have to anymore. And because they are fingerless I will still be able to type. Perfect. On sadder news I have to frog the sweater I am making because it is way too big. Argh! I did a gauge swatch and everything! Oh well. The pattern isn't that much fun either so it might be a while before I pick that project up again.
I have started studying again and plan to devout the weekend to this. Not so much fun but it must happen. I am going to force myself to study outside the house for if I study inside the house I tend to find things to distract me, like a glass of water or a trip to the bathroom.

Oh, I hate those blog spammers! ARGGHHHHH! They are so annoying.
I just wanted to say that London is far and cold and rainy and expensive...all three things that you didn't originally want out of your new about Berkeley or somewhere close enough for us to visit you!
This is very true. However PARIS would only be a train ride away and that might make up for the fog and cold. And spring break in Spain. Really, how could you resist that!
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