Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Project! Yipee

I am not allowed to go to the knitting store with Laura any more. We went to Imagine Knit yesterday because I was inspired to make something for my friend who just had a baby and is suprisingly very cute. (I say suprisingly only because the baby is only a month old and usually at this age cute is not a word I would use to describe a baby) What was suppose to be a quick stop for inspiration turned into a sweater making contest. Laura and I found a pattern we both liked and I suggested we both make it and she agreed. In true Mooney fashion we made it into a contest but I think in this situation we both win. And it is a relatively cheap sweater to make as the yarn is bulky and I only need 6 skeins. I am excited. It is really cute and if I ever get a digital camera I will take a picture. I am almost done with the arm warmers as well. I think they are pretty cute as well.

I went to LA this weekend and had a lovely visit with my sister. It was really nice to hang out and do nothing. Well, not nothing, but you know what I mean. I also gave a presentation to her high school classes which went pretty well. Well, maybe one went pretty well and the other I just rambled. I also got to do some research at the Shoah Foundation which was cool. Details are boring so I will spare you.

Now I start my crazy work schedule and have to get ready for Halloween. I am still not sure what I want to be. I am thinking safety monitor. Or creepy guy in the corner. Or maybe nothing. That would be the easiest.


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