Regent Street

Yesterday I went to Regent Street to do the little Christmas shopping I needed to do. I went when I knew it would be dark (which by the way is 4:00 here. Plthththth) so I could see the pretty lights. I wasn't actually all that impressed. From the way the papers talked about it here I expected it to be a little more dynamic. There was a big fuss over the lights because of how much they cost the city and how bad they are for the environment. Christmas lights that people put on their houses are actually really bad environmentally speaking which I never thought about. I think the Regent Street lights are a little dumb. They have random cartoon characters on them and silly sayings and if you are going to spend all that money on lights and ruin what little air quality is left in London you might as well make them spectacular. Oh well.
I also went to Harrods where they have this ridiculous monument to Princess Diana and Joseph Godi. I should have taken a picture but I try to avoid looking like a tourist in places like Harrods, even though I am sure they assume I am one anyway. I went to their wine section where you can buy a bottle of Seghesio Zinfandel for 22 pounds. YIKES! We use to see this at la med for 22 dollars. I guess being from California they think it is worth the money. (it isn't)