I have already read Atonement by Ian McEwen but since seeing the film I thought I would read it again. Plus, I really shouldn't be buying new books until I start my job. (I got a job!) Reading it the second time around it isn't as fast of a read , but I think I am getting more out of it this time. I remember from the first time being impressed how he makes you think about how words effect us, and I am getting that sense again. It is really well done. Knowing the end makes the whole book even more tragic. I am dreading encountering certain sections of the book that I haven't gotten to yet but know are coming. Most people don't read books twice but this is a good one to read again. And if you haven't read it at all, you should!
About my new job! I will be working at a large investment firm in London in their library doing research for stressed out bankers who will probably yell at me. I am really excited! I am mostly excited to have a job but I feel very blessed that I got this one in particular. It will be challenging but good for me. And they have a gym in the building which is a perk and it is in Canary Wharf which although far, is another perk. I am so stupidly happy right now I feel a little undeserving!
In other news I have also decided to do the Berlin marathon. I have been thinking about it for a while and now that the weather is getting warmer and it isn't get dark so early, I remember the joys of running at dusk-my favorite time to run. I am actually kind of excited to start training! The marathon is end of September which would be a great time to come visit yours truely. Doesn't anyone want to come visit me, besides my parents?