So much has happened in the last several days. Just got back from Prague where every day I heard about car bombs in London. The first one they found in Mayfair was by the first club I ever went to in London when I came here in college. (Tiger Tiger) Christi and discovered the wonder of red bull and vodka, in pitchers! Now they are trying to blow the place up! Then the next day the second bomb and then Glasgow airport! What is going on? The news here is pretty sensational but I had no problems flying home today. They weren't allowing anyone to pick or drop people off curbside but other than that it was pretty calm. The news was quick to lay off blame the Irish as it seemed highly unlikely the Irish would cause such havoc now that things are peaceful. The phrase "I doubt it is the Irish" was repeated often in initial news coverage.

Spent four days in Prague which was a lot of fun. Went with Brian who managed to miss his flight and had to take the next one the following day so my first day in Prague pretty much sucked. Walked around and then walked around some more and although I was in a great city I was pretty lonely and couldn't really do too much exploring cause I didn't want to have it all done by the time Brian got there. Prague is one of those cities where you really just wander around and relax. There is the castle of course which is amazing, and various other sites, but four days was plenty and although we saw a lot it doesn't seem like we saw that much. I feel like I don't even have that much to say about it.

We went to the castle the first day Brian got there, which is the biggest castle in all of Europe. It sits on top of a hill and it is pretty impressive. The cathedral there is beautiful and feels old and Gothic, even though much of it was completed in the 20th century. Walked across the Charles bridge a million times and every time it was packed with tourists. Mostly Americans. I discovered a reason to not travel in the summer in Europe and they go by one name. Back packers. There are college aged back packers everywhere and although I know I was one of them once I pray to God I was not as idiotic as these were. I can't say what it is that bothers me about them but they just grated on my nerves to no end. I came in contact with them mostly on my first day there so maybe my foul mood had something to do with my distaste for them, but I really found them to be a nuisance. Also went to see the baby Jesus of Prague who is said to have saved Prague on numerous occasions. This baby Jesus has about 60 different outfits made for him by people all over the world and although I found it some what entertaining Stinky kept muttering "This is ridiculous."

Our last night there we got to see a fire work display over the river which was quite possibly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I have to say that Prague at night was a major highlight. I think it is at its most beautiful at night and I found it difficult to go back to the hotel and have to say goodbye to it. The way everything is lit and how the light bounces off the water was really incredible.

There is also the big astronomical clock in old town square which not only tells the time but tells you which house the moon is in and all sorts of stuff. Legend has it that they blinded the maker of the clock so it could not be reproduced. On the hour the skeleton shakes the hour glass and the apostles come out and bow to the audience. It was pretty neat.

And now I am back in smoke free London, which contrary to popular belief is not that popular of an idea. Of course non-smokers are thrilled but the majority of Londoners find it very annoying. My friend Robin has been seriously distressed and feels this is the first time the government has had a direct impact on his daily life. Although I am ecstatic to be able to go to a pub and not smell when I get home I do find that London has lost a little bit of itself with the no smoking ban. I agree of course that it is a good thing but there is something very English about a smoky pub. Oh well.