Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Knitter I am

So I knitted the cutest baby booties and had my roommate take a picture so I could post them. And I am still waiting for him to take his camera to work and e-mail me the photo. Argh! I am also making a hat which is turning out really cute. The booties are pink with a cream strap and then I am making the hat out of the cream yarn with some pink eyelet. So cute. And so easy. Hopefully she will be impressed. And the best part is this didn't cost me a single cent. I already had all the yarn so this will be the cheapest baby shower gift ever. Never mind what I paid for the yarn initially-it was all used for something else to begin with so now I consider it free. I do have to get some double pointed needles but I consider needles an investment and not so much a cost. I am really good at justifying spending money.

And now I am sitting at my desk procrastinating. I am going to lunch with my sister soon and then I have to run a bunch of errands so hopefully the afternoon will go by fast. And then I have to work at La Med. Long day. But riding my bike to work is so nice. It is so much faster than the bus, which means I get to sleep in an extra 20 minutes. Although today I was really annoyed riding my bike. Everyone knows you have to peg your right pant leg so that it doesn't get caught in the gear crank and get your pants all dirty and potentially rip them. But I have discovered a new problem. Apparently I have to peg my left pant leg as well because it keeps catching on my water bottle holder which is REALLY annoying. I said several bad words on my way to work today. I need to get a new helmet too. My helmet is really dorky. Helmets are dorky enough but mine is particularly bad. Not cute at all.

Todays GRE word...

Bombastic-Bold in speech and manner. (and not in a good way)

Monday, June 27, 2005

AIDS Life Cycle, Round Three

the gang
Originally uploaded by amoonpie.
It has been about two weeks since I have returned home from my one week bike ride down the Califronia coast to raise money for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. The ride was great and this year, I actually still love my bike and don't feel like throwing it over the Golden Gate bridge. The first two years I did the ride I didn't care if I never rode my bike again. But this year I have been riding it to work every day and would like to take it out for a long ride. (this unfortanetly takes up more time than I am willing to give up on the weekends so shorter rides will have to do)

This is a picture of my family, with Bryan and his sister and brother in law. All these wonderful people were in LA to welcome me in. It was a really nice home coming. It was especially great to see some of my neices and nephews. Not to brag, but they are exceptionally cute children.

This week I am working on a couple of knitting projects and will hopefully be able to post them on the site soon. My friend is having a baby so I am going to make her some booties and a little hat. I am also making Bryan a hat but I discovered last night that I am making it too big so I have to rip the whole thing out. Grrrrrrr. I also need to be studying this week for the GRE so I am not sure when I am going to get all this knitting in but I will figure it out.

Todays GRE word

Abscond: To leave secretly

Friday, June 24, 2005

Is it just me or is Tom Cruise a freak

He has been acting very strange lately. I always liked him because he always seemed a little normal, a little quiet, not SO interested in the spot light. And he's really hot. And now he is just acting crazy. Case in point, his recent interview on the Today show. Here is the NY Times article on it. (my sister said she actually watched this interview and he wasn't acting that strange, just passionate, so this might not be a good example) And then there was the weird interview with Oprah and then this whole Katie Holms fiasco. Is Tom Cruise turning into the next Michael Jackson?? Is he really a weirdo disguised as a movie star? Tom, please start acting normal. Please.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I am the smartest person in the world

Easter 005v2
Originally uploaded by amoonpie.
If this actually works I am going to be so proud of myself. I uploaded a picture all by myself. Am I smart or what. I still can't figure out how to get the URL for the picture for my profile but I will not give up! It will happen! This was actually really easy but I am still proud of myself.

Info on photo-me and my boyfriend Bryan. Is he cute or what. It is actually really unfortunate because neither one of us is very photogenic. This is a pretty decent picture of us. Usually one of us has their eyes closed or their mouth open.

I don't see spell check. What happened to the spell check?!?!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Harder than I thought

Looks like this blogging thing is harder than I thought. Entering in a daily journal is easy enough but should I want to add photos or embellish my page, it is a little tricky. I'll figure it out though. My boss with be gone most of next week so I will have plenty of time to sit here and procrastinate.

I just found out this has spell check! I am so excited! I am a horrible speller. Most of the time even spell check can't figure out what I am trying to spell.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Not sure if this is a good idea...

but what better way to waste time at work than to have a blog. I got the idea from my friend Ginny. Everytime I get bored at work I visit Ginny's blog and catch up with her. Not as personal as a phone call I know but it is nice to know I can visit whenever I want. Plus, this might be a great thing for when I go back to school and can't afford to call anyone anymore. People can just visit my blog to see how I am doing.

This is the time right before everyone comes into work and I have time to sit at my computer and do whatever I want. It isn't like I don't have anything to do right now, I just don't feel like doing it. Plus it is nice to be able to goof off without having to look over my shoulder. I have to be more sneaky in the afternoon.

I can see this being addicting.