What a great weekend. I feel the need to write all about it so my little peanut brain doesn't forget. Friday night was girls night. Ginny and I met up with some girls, took a tour of the mission and then left as soon as was polite. I like hanging out with the girls and I met some really nice new ones, but my idea of a fun night out is not going to some scummy club in the mission. On our way out the door, Ginny found $10 and we took it as a sign that the night was not over for us. What was suppose to turn into "one more drink" turned into a slumber party and a bad hangover. I had so much fun hanging out with Ginny though and I am so glad we got to stay up late and have some true juicy girl talk. And I think she has the most comfortable pull out bed ever made. I could have slept forever but I didn't because...
Saturday was a trip up to Napa. Stinky, Genie and I met up with some of Stinky's friends who were camping up in Napa. Although I was not excited about the thought of having to camp and sleep on the hard hard ground I decided it was worth it to just get out of the city. We met some of Stinkys friends at a vineyard and did some wine tasting. Oddly enough I have never been wine tasting. It is so much fun! They are so nice. And I can pretend to know something about wine so then they offer up all sorts of information. Very educational.

After wine tasting at several vineyards and a picnic lunch we headed back to the campsite to cook us some bbq and spend the night beside a cozy campfire. We told ghost stories (which I am not a fan of) cooked smores (which are not as good as I remember) and spent the evening laughing and talking. Eventually (and by that I mean 10:00pm) the camp ranger told us it was time to start speaking in whispers so we called it a night and slept under the stars. (kind of-the stars were kind of hard to see with the tent in the way, but at least they were there) I have to say that although the thought of sleeping outside sounds peaceful, it is really kind of annoying. Birds wake up really early and like to make it known. I am usually a really heavy sleeper but there was something unnatural about a bird chirping that early in the morning. Guess I am just a city girl. The campsite we stayed at actually had a pool so we spent the Sunday lounging by the pool, enjoying the sun because God knows how long it has been since I have seen it in the city, and relaxing, happy we were not in the fog and cold. After lunch we headed back to the city where we all quickly became depressed that the weekend was over and it was back to our normal lives.
Oh, and can I just say, I KICK ASS. Stinky's ass that is. He challenged me to a race-a swim race-and I won. I didn't actually think I would. It was great. We took off and because I didn't really expect to win I wasn't giving it my all. But when I looked over and saw that Stinky and I were close I put it into high gear and took the lead. Genie says it was really close but close schmose, I won! Yeah me! Ah, sweet victory. But now I will put it to rest because Stinky can run a lot faster than me, although I am pretty sure I could still beat him on a bike.